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Create a PostgreSQL Cluster with StackGres on Kubernetes

Create a PostgreSQL Cluster with StackGres on Kubernetes

Posted by NetworkWhois on

🤯 Picture this: Me, 2 AM, six failed database deployments, three energy drinks, and a mounting sense of despair. That was me before discovering StackGres.

The Pre-StackGres Nightmare

Managing PostgreSQL in Kubernetes used to be like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. Complex configurations, manual failover setups, monitoring headaches - it was a developer's worst nightmare.

Then came StackGres - my digital superhero. This Kubernetes Operator is like having a database wizard living inside your cluster, handling all the complex stuff you'd normally lose sleep over.

What Makes StackGres Magical? 🪄

  • 📊 Community PostgreSQL versions support
  • 🧩 Over 150 Postgres extensions
  • 🔄 High availability through Patroni
  • 🔒 Automated backups and monitoring
  • 🌐 Web console with Single Sign-On
  • 🚀 Ability to scale PostgreSQL like a boss

Pro Tip: This isn't just another tool. It's like having a database superhero managing your infrastructure.

Prerequisites: What You'll Need

  • ☁️ A K3s cluster (Lightweight Kubernetes - because who needs complexity?)
  • 💻 kubectl installed (Your Kubernetes Swiss Army knife)
  • ☕ Coffee (Non-negotiable)

Step 1: Preparing Your K3s Environment

Ensure your K3s cluster is up and running. You can verify this by executing:

kubectl cluster-info

This command should return information about your cluster, indicating it's ready to go.


Step 2: Installing the StackGres Operator

StackGres operates within your Kubernetes cluster as an operator. To install it, you'll deploy the StackGres operator using a provided YAML file.

kubectl create -f https://stackgres.io/downloads/stackgres-k8s/stackgres/latest/stackgres-operator-demo.yml

This command fetches and applies a configuration from StackGres's official site, setting up the operator in a new namespace called stackgres.


Step 3: Verifying the Operator Installation

After installation, verify that the StackGres operator is running:

kubectl get pods -n stackgres -l group=stackgres.io

Look for the stackgres-operator and stackgres-restapi pods. If their status is Running, you're all set.


Step 4: Creating Your First PostgreSQL Cluster

With StackGres, you define your PostgreSQL cluster using a custom resource. Here's a simple example to create a single-instance PostgreSQL cluster:

apiVersion: stackgres.io/v1
kind: SGCluster
  name: my-first-cluster
  instances: 1
    version: 'latest'
      size: '5Gi'

Save this configuration to a file (e.g., my-cluster.yml) and apply it using kubectl:

kubectl create -f my-cluster.yml

This command creates a new PostgreSQL cluster named my-first-cluster, running the latest PostgreSQL version and configured with a single instance and 5Gi of persistent storage.


Step 5: Monitoring Cluster Creation

Track the progress of your cluster's deployment using:

kubectl get pods --watch

Wait for your cluster's pod (e.g., my-first-cluster-0) to reach the Running state. This indicates that your PostgreSQL cluster is up and ready.

Step 6: Accessing Your PostgreSQL Cluster

Accessing your newly created PostgreSQL cluster is straightforward. StackGres provides a utility container for interacting with your database. Here's how you can connect:

kubectl exec -ti "$(kubectl get pod --selector app=StackGresCluster,stackgres.io/cluster=true,role=master -o name)" -c postgres-util -- psql

This command opens a psql console connected to your PostgreSQL cluster, allowing you to execute SQL commands directly.

Step 7: Exposing the Service

Kubernetes services are typically only reachable from within the cluster by default. To access your PostgreSQL database from outside the Kubernetes cluster (such as from a browser on your VPS), you would need to expose it via a LoadBalancer or NodePort service.

If the StackGres Web Console is not already exposed via a NodePort, you will need to expose it. You can do this by creating or modifying a Kubernetes service of type NodePort for the Web Console. Here's an example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: stackgres-ui-nodeport
  type: NodePort
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8080
      nodePort: 30007
    app: stackgres-ui
  • port is the port number on which the service will listen inside the cluster.
  • targetPort is the port on which the StackGres Web Console container is running.
  • nodePort is the port on which you'll access the Web Console from outside the Kubernetes cluster.

Apply this service configuration using kubectl apply -f <filename>.yaml.

Converting LoadBalancer Service to NodePort

You might need to edit the existing stackgres-restapi service to change its type to NodePort, or delete and recreate it with the NodePort configuration.

Edit the service:

kubectl edit svc stackgres-restapi -n stackgres

In the editor, change type: LoadBalancer to type: NodePort, and optionally specify a nodePort value.

Access the Service: Once the service is exposed as a NodePort, you can access it using the IP address of any node in your cluster along with the assigned NodePort. If you didn’t specify a nodePort, you can find out which port was assigned by describing the service:

kubectl get svc stackgres-restapi -n stackgres

Look for the PORT(S) information, which will now include the NodePort assigned to your service.

To access the StackGres Web Console, open a web browser and navigate to your IP and the given port.



You can use the command below to change the password:

kubectl create secret generic -n stackgres stackgres-restapi-admin  --dry-run=client -o json \
  --from-literal=k8sUsername="$NEW_USER" \
  --from-literal=password="$(echo -n "${NEW_USER}${NEW_PASSWORD}"| sha256sum | awk '{ print $1 }' )" > password.patch

kubectl patch secret -n stackgres stackgres-restapi-admin -p "$(cat password.patch)" && rm password.patch

Now that you have a running PostgreSQL cluster, explore further. StackGres offers extensive features such as automatic backups, high availability configurations, and detailed monitoring. Deploying a PostgreSQL cluster on a K3s environment using StackGres doesn't have to be complicated. By following this step-by-step guide, even beginners can set up a