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Deploy Grafana on Kubernetes using K3s

Deploy Grafana on Kubernetes using K3s

Posted by NetworkWhois on

Not too long ago, my infrastructure monitoring was a complete mess. Scattered metrics, no unified view, constant firefighting. Sound familiar? That's when I discovered the power of Grafana and K3s—a combination that changed everything.

Quick Context: I'm a DevOps engineer who's worked with everything from massive enterprise setups to lean startup infrastructure. Trust me, this solution works.

What You'll Need (Don't Panic!)

  • A K3s cluster (Spoiler: It's way easier than traditional Kubernetes)
  • kubectl installed (if you're new, no worries—I'll walk you through it)
  • About 30 minutes and a cup of coffee ☕

The Deployment: Step by Step

1. Cluster Health Check

kubectl get nodes

🟢 Green means go! Make sure your nodes show as "Ready".


2. Helm Installation Magic

curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3
chmod 700 get_helm.sh

3. Grafana Helm Setup

helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update

4. Deploy Grafana (The Moment of Truth!)

helm install my-grafana grafana/grafana \
    --set persistence.storageClassName="local-path" \
    --set adminPassword="YourSecurePassword" \
    --set service.type=LoadBalancer

🔒 Pro Security Tip: Use a complex password. No "password123" allowed!

Getting Inside Your New Dashboard

Find your Grafana's external IP:

kubectl get svc -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=grafana"

Navigate to http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:31429. Login with 'admin' and your secret password.


Real Talk: Why This Matters

Monitoring isn't just about pretty graphs. It's about understanding your system's heartbeat, catching issues before they become disasters, and sleeping better at night.

Grafana + K3s = Your new superpower. 🚀

👨‍💻 Written from my home office, fueled by coffee and curiosity